Directory Listing -- D

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 35028 Dowler Alastair Technical Officer [email]
831 35255 Downer Rebecca Senior HR Advisor [email]
831 32808 Downs Garry Senior Library Officer Collection Services [email]
none registered Draeger Benjamin Service Management Analyst [email]
831 35821 Drapac Vesna Associate Professor [email]
831 32973 Drca Marsha Research Candidature Officer [email]
831 32053 Drca Sara Timetable and Planning Officer (HMS) [email]
831 35244 Drechsler Sean Admissions Operations Officer [email]
831 35095 Drew Georgina Associate Prof/Reader [email]
831 34222 Drew Rebecca Graduations Officer [email]
0 8205 1618 Drewer Amanda Senior Clinical Assistant [email]
831 30715 Dring Ben Senior Project Officer [email]
none registered Drioli-Phillips Phoebe Clinical Lecturer (titleholder) [email]
831 34006 Driver Joel Analyst [email]
831 34006 Driver Joel Student Recruitment Coordinator [email]
831 33856 Dry Matthew Senior Lecturer [email]
831 36283 DuBois Chelsea Senior Contract Manager - Project Initiation [email]
831 33867 Duan Xiaoguang ARC Future Fellow [email]
none registered Duckworth Tanya PhD Candidate (Medicine); Casual Academic [email]
831 36546 Dudley James Associate Professor, Dentistry [email]
831 36096 Due Clemence Associate Prof/Reader [email]
831 39901 Dukic Ebony Academic & Student Engagement Service Partner [email]
0 8161 9296 Dunbar Matthew Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist [email]
831 37932 Dunbar Rebecca Senior Student Services Officer (Roseworthy) [email]
831 31768 Duncan Amy Senior Creative Coordinator [email]
831 37188 Dundon Alison Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33798 Dunkley Vicki Team Leader, Student Success Team [email]
831 35904 Dunn Louise Injury Management and Wellbeing Advisor [email]
none registered Duong Vinh (Poh) Senior Developer [email]
831 32688 Durante Maria Expense Management Officer [email]
831 39993 Duvenage Francois Director Commercialisation [email]
831 32946 Dwyer Amy Postdoctoral Research Fellow (A) [email]
831 32478 Dyer Lyn Project Support Officer [email]
831 34568 de Byl Penny Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33034 de Zoete Rutger Senior Lecturer [email]
831 38304 de Zwart Francesco Senior Lecturer [email]
831 39918 du Preez Surita Senior Lecturer in Equine Internal Medicine [email]
831 34038 Damiati Siti Aisyah PhD Candidate [email]
none registered Davidson Roberta PhD Candidate [email]
none registered Dawson Bethany PhD Candidate [email]
none registered De La Motte Shanette Postgraduate Student [email]
831 32394 De Prinse Thomas Postgraduate Student [email]
none registered Delaine Alana PhD Candidate [email]
831 32579 Ding Boyin Academic Dir, Haide College [email]
831 35765 Dinh Doan Grant-Funded Researcher (A) none registered
831 31818 Dinovitser Alex Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar [email]
none registered Do Kylie Postgraduate Student [email]
none registered Doan Dung Grant Funded Researcher A [email]
831 37297 Doecke Samuel Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
0 8161 9181 Donnelley Martin Associate Professor [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.