Directory Listing -- D

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
83134213 Dau Giang Events Officer, ABLE [email]
83133389 Dautel Simone Research Consumer Engagement Officer [email]
83135457 Davey Kenneth Adjunct Associate Professor [email]
83130159 David Rakesh Data Architect [email]
83132887 Davies Ellen Research Program Lead [email]
83136845 Davies Michael Grant-Funded Researcher (E) [email]
83138324 Davies Miles Centre Manager, ATCSR [email]
83137601 Davies Rachel Placements Support Officer [email]
83134012 Davies Robert Manager, Data Services [email]
83131480 Davies Lucinda Executive Officer [email]
83133116 Davila Andrea Lecturer [email]
none registered Davis Gregory Centre Manager [email]
83135275 Dawson Bruce Professor [email]
83133917 Dawson Ruby ECR, Tumour Inflammation & Immunotherapy [email]
83131917 Day Cheryl Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratory Technician [email]
83132351 Day Pennelopy Teaching Technical Support Officer [email]
none registered Dayoub Feras Senior Lecturer [email]
83133852 De Casto Danny Campaign Author [email]
none registered De Cruz Karen Project Officer [email]
83134153 De Favari Natalie Faculty Administration and Events Coordinator [email]
none registered De Ieso Michael Postdoctoral Research Associate [email]
83130373 De Klerk Keturah Learning Designer [email]
83133691 De La Perrelle Jessica Postgraduate Student [email]
83135588 De Zylva Durand Senior Analytics Developer [email]
83132064 DeDear Amanda Director, Talent Acquisition [email]
83131422 DeVizio Carroll Technical Services Manager (HMS) [email]
83133416 Dean Aaron Client Computing Specialist [email]
83134241 Dean Kate Senior Project Officer [email]
83132030 Deane Christopher Senior PBS Strategy Analyst [email]
none registered Deb-Bhattacharya Parbati Talent Acquisition Adviser [email]
83130227 Deckert Chelsea Wellbeing Project Officer [email]
83133184 Dedduwakumara Shenal Lecturer [email]
83137467 Degryse Fien University Senior Research Fellow [email]
081829306 Dekker Gustaaf Professor [email]
83133947 Dela Cruz Aeson Luiz Lecturer [email]
83137405 Delaporte Kate Senior Lecturer [email]
83138243 Delean Steven Senior Lecturer [email]
83134936 Delfabbro Paul Professor [email]
83135164 Delinicolas Nick Senior Domestic Admissions Officer [email]
83131263 Delkic Sara Service Support Officer [email]
83133165 Dell Kim Transfer Science Program Senior Coordinator [email]
83130543 Delpin Marina Institute Manager [email]
83133761 Dempsey Sarah Process Improvement Manager, Human Resources [email]
83130104 Dempster Robert Technical Officer [email]
83130475 Demuro Martina ARC Externally-Funded Research Fellow (B) [email]
83132830 Deng An Senior Lecturer [email]
83136739 Denison Geoff Director, Accommodation Services [email]
83131098 Denton Matthew Associate Prof/Reader [email]
none registered Derby Luke Junior Software Developer [email]
83137137 Derina Erin Lecturer [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.