Online security while travelling

Cyber security risks increase significantly when travelling overseas and interstate. 

Some dangers include: 

  • Loss/theft of devices leading to data breaches and identity theft 

  • Connecting to unsafe wi-fi networks leading to malware infection, interception of sensitive communications, and identity theft 

  • Malware infection via use of unsafe USB charge stations and malicious USB devices 

Here are some tips for protecting your privacy data as well as the university's data and devices before, during and after your overseas/interstate travels. 

  • Before travelling

    • Leave your devices and data home, and consider borrowing a "clean device" from ITDS 

    • In particular, avoid travelling with sensitive information (contacts, photos, personal details, research data, etc) stored on portable devices 

    • Backup your data to University network storage locations 

    • Uninstall unnecessary software and browser plugins, and update OS and other software to the latest version 

    • Ensure you are using long, unique passwords for each sensitive online services. Consider setting up a password manager before travelling 

    • Ensure devices are protected using strong password and full encryption. 

  • During travel

    • Never leave your devices unattended 

    • Don't download new software 

    • Don't use public USB charging stations or plug-in untrusted accessories (e.g., gifted USB devices) 

    • Don't connect to open wi-fi networks, and only connect to known trusted wi-fi 

    • Don't open, click on links, or open attachments on unsolicited or suspicious emails 

    • Be wary when web browsing, and do not ignore errors related to HTTPS certificates 

    • When browsing, don't click on suspicious links and popups 

    • Use the University of Adelaide VPN for accessing University systems 

  • After returning

    • Don't open, click on links or open attachments on unsolicited or suspicious emails 

    • If you have borrowed a loan device, return to ITDS for formatting 

    • Consider changing your University password and other passwords used during travel 

    • Report anything suspicious to ITDS Service Desk