University Risk Register

To ensure that risk management is effective, and to provide evidence of a demonstrable risk management system, it is important to have a documented formal record of the risk management process and outcomes.

The tool for recording risks in the University, and across its Controlled Entities, is the University Risk Register (URR). Anyone in the University can log an issue using the link to the register below.

A risk register is simply a documented record of the identified risks, their significance or rating, and how they are managed or treated. The University’s risk register is an electronic web based tool that enables the recording of risks and facilitates the printing of risk reports and summaries.

All areas are encouraged to formally record and document their risks within the risk register. In this way, a risk profile or description of the types and significance of risks will evolve. Risk profiles will vary greatly by Faculty, School, Branch, Division or Controlled Entity and will evolve over time.

University Risk Register

Need help? Risk register user guide

The new University Risk Register needs your permission to use certain applications. Please allow the permissions to proceed by selecting the “ALLOW” button.

The legacy University Risk Register is accessible as “read-only”.