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Requesting cut-off dates
During the holiday period there will be a pause to the usual requesting of items from our libraries and storage facilities.
Images of Learning and Teaching competition winners 2023
We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Images of Learning and Teaching competition at the University of Adelaide is Dr Liz Reed with her exceptional photograph, The thrill of discovery.
[Read more about Images of Learning and Teaching competition winners 2023]
Empowering future-ready learners with future-focused course material
The University Library will be showcasing how we can partner with teaching academics to co-design bespoke learning solutions for students, at the Festival of Learning and Teaching.
[Read more about Empowering future-ready learners with future-focused course material]
Unwind your mind during swot week and exams
Take a break from your studies and enjoy some moments of relaxation during swot week and exams with Unwind Your Mind from Monday 30 October to Friday 17 November 2023.
[Read more about Unwind your mind during swot week and exams]
Open Educational Resources as Social Justice
How might we make higher education more equitable and accessible for a growing and diverse student population?
[Read more about Open Educational Resources as Social Justice]
Level 1 wedge upcoming closure
The Level 1 wedge, currently home to the computer suite, will be temporarily closed for building works from Monday 30 October.
Open Access: circumventing excessive copyright protections
With all the talk around Open Access Week, many of our researchers might be wondering Why do we even need to adopt open access? and What problem does it really solve? Copyright is one of the key underlying factors that adds friction and costs to distribute and reuse knowledge products – a friction that open access largely addresses.
[Read more about Open Access: circumventing excessive copyright protections]
Five reasons to publish Open Access
As a researcher, you’re probably aware of what Open Access (OA) publishing is – publishing your research outputs in a way which can be read by anyone, anywhere in the world.
The revised Open Access Policy – what do I need to know?
You may have heard that the University's Open Access Policy was recently updated. It is important for all researchers at the University to understand their responsibilities around making their research outputs open.
[Read more about The revised Open Access Policy – what do I need to know? ]