Services for Alumni

As a graduate or former staff member of the University of Adelaide, you can join the Library for free!
Alumni membership includes:
- Borrowing rights at each of the University Library locations - enjoy access to the library's extensive collections.
- From-home access to a range of online resources (databases, ejournals, eBooks and more).
- The support of the Ask Library team with accessing and using library resources.
- You can also visit the Library during regular opening hours to browse the collections and access an even greater range of online resources via our on-site computers.
To be eligible you must be:
- A graduate of the University of Adelaide.
- A former staff member of the University of Adelaide for three or more consecutive years.
Library membership includes:
- Borrow up to 50 items for 12 weeks, with automatic renewals on most items.
- Access to a selection of online resources.
If you have previously registered for an alumni library membership or require additional information e.g. to confirm your login details or membership renewal enquiries, please contact Ask Library.