Academic Faculties Schools & Disciplines -- M
- Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
- Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
- Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
- Australian Institute for Machine Learning, Projects
- Centre for Automotive Safety Research
- Centre for STEM Education and Innovation
- Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital
- School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
- School of Animal and Veterinary Science
- School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- School of Biological Sciences
- School of Chemical Engineering
- School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
- School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
- Sciences, Engineering and Technology Faculty Office
- Waite Precinct
Telephone | Family name | Given name | Position | |
831 31077 | Maddern | Amanda | Associate Lecturer - Physiotherapy | [email] |
831 32051 | Maennel | Kaie | Lecturer | [email] |
831 32038 | Maennel | Olaf | Professor | [email] |
831 30309 | Mafakheri | Ali | Research Technical Support Officer | [email] |
831 32147 | Mahajan | Neha | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
0 8182 9439 | Mahajan | Rajiv | Associate Professor | [email] |
none registered | Mahmood | Mohammad | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
831 32463 | Mahuteau | Stephane | Grant-Funded Researcher (D) | [email] |
831 31137 | Mai | Thuy | Node Operation Officer | [email] |
831 34139 | Maier | Holger | Professor | [email] |
none registered | Maitland Health Centre | Enquiries | none registered | [email] |
0 8161 6179 | Makrides | Maria | Professor of Human Nutrition | [email] |
none registered | Malek | Lenka | Lecturer | [email] |
831 39132 | Maligalig | Rio Lawas | Grant-Funded Researcher (A) | [email] |
831 34825 | Malik | Arif | Grant-Funded Researcher | [email] |
831 31682 | Malvaso | Catia | ARC Externally Funded Research Fellow (C) | [email] |
831 34024 | Mangiola | Stefano | GroupLeader,ComputationalCancerImmunogenomics | [email] |
831 34938 | Manning | Nathan | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Mao | Jianfeng | ARC Future Fellow | [email] |
none registered | Mares | Lachlan | Postdoctoral Research Fellow (B) (with PhD) | [email] |
831 35369 | Margach | Catherine | Senior Teaching Support Officer, Chemistry | [email] |
831 30541 | Marini | Danila | Int Grant-Funded Researcher B | [email] |
831 36683 | Marley | Charles | Associate Professor | [email] |
0 8161 8115 | Marshall | Helen | Professor in Vaccinology | [email] |
none registered | Martin | Sally | Lecturer | [email] |
831 38367 | Martín-Forés | Irene | Data Synthesis Officer | [email] |
831 34926 | Masson | Virginie | Associate Professor | [email] |
831 33384 | Masum | Mahmud Al | Lecturer | [email] |
831 30488 | Matthews | Robert | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
831 36237 | Matthias | Nguyen | Faculty Administration Coordinator | [email] |
831 33712 | Mattner | Trent | Lecturer | [email] |
831 35731 | May | Sarah | School Business Manager, Social Sciences | [email] |
831 33989 | Mays | Anthony | Lecturer | [email] |
831 30514 | Mc Gee | Margaret | none registered | [email] |
0 0420995406 | McAfee | Dominic | ARC Grant-Funded Researcher B | [email] |
831 37820 | McAllister | Milton | Associate Professor | [email] |
none registered | McArdle | Sarah | Executive Officer | [email] |
none registered | McArthur | Michelle | Professor | [email] |
831 63042 | McCall | Eleanor | Linguist - Mobile Language Team | [email] |
831 35149 | McCann | Ben | Associate Professor | [email] |
831 37730 | McCormack | Phillipa | Postdoctoral Researcher | [email] |
831 34815 | McCorry | Fidelma | Research Manager | [email] |
831 36480 | McCulloch | Heather | Global Communication Coordinator | [email] |
831 32458 | McDonald | Christine | Placements and Internships Support Officer | [email] |
831 37358 | McDonald | Glenn | Associate Professor | [email] |
0 8222 7354 | McDowall | Katrina | Secretary | [email] |
831 37947 | McEwin | Rudi | Grant-Funded Researcher (A) | [email] |
831 33260 | McGee | Lucy | Internal Grant Funded Researcher (B) | [email] |
831 33433 | McGee | Padric | Demonstrator - Computer Specialist | [email] |
none registered | McGorm | Kelly | Senior Clinical Research Coordinator | [email] |
The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.