Academic Faculties Schools & Disciplines -- M

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31077 Maddern Amanda Associate Lecturer - Physiotherapy [email]
831 32051 Maennel Kaie Lecturer [email]
831 32038 Maennel Olaf Professor [email]
831 30309 Mafakheri Ali Research Technical Support Officer [email]
831 32147 Mahajan Neha Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8182 9439 Mahajan Rajiv Associate Professor [email]
none registered Mahmood Mohammad Senior Lecturer [email]
831 32463 Mahuteau Stephane Grant-Funded Researcher (D) [email]
831 31137 Mai Thuy Node Operation Officer [email]
831 34139 Maier Holger Professor [email]
none registered Maitland Health Centre Enquiries none registered [email]
0 8161 6179 Makrides Maria Professor of Human Nutrition [email]
none registered Malek Lenka Lecturer [email]
831 39132 Maligalig Rio Lawas Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 34825 Malik Arif Grant-Funded Researcher [email]
831 31682 Malvaso Catia ARC Externally Funded Research Fellow (C) [email]
831 34024 Mangiola Stefano GroupLeader,ComputationalCancerImmunogenomics [email]
831 34938 Manning Nathan Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Mao Jianfeng ARC Future Fellow [email]
none registered Mares Lachlan Postdoctoral Research Fellow (B) (with PhD) [email]
831 35369 Margach Catherine Senior Teaching Support Officer, Chemistry [email]
831 30541 Marini Danila Int Grant-Funded Researcher B [email]
831 36683 Marley Charles Associate Professor [email]
0 8161 8115 Marshall Helen Professor in Vaccinology [email]
none registered Martin Sally Lecturer [email]
831 38367 Martín-Forés Irene Data Synthesis Officer [email]
831 34926 Masson Virginie Associate Professor [email]
831 33384 Masum Mahmud Al Lecturer [email]
831 30488 Matthews Robert Senior Lecturer [email]
831 36237 Matthias Nguyen Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 33712 Mattner Trent Lecturer [email]
831 35731 May Sarah School Business Manager, Social Sciences [email]
831 33989 Mays Anthony Lecturer [email]
831 30514 Mc Gee Margaret none registered [email]
0 0420995406 McAfee Dominic ARC Grant-Funded Researcher B [email]
831 37820 McAllister Milton Associate Professor [email]
none registered McArdle Sarah Executive Officer [email]
none registered McArthur Michelle Professor [email]
831 63042 McCall Eleanor Linguist - Mobile Language Team [email]
831 35149 McCann Ben Associate Professor [email]
831 37730 McCormack Phillipa Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
831 34815 McCorry Fidelma Research Manager [email]
831 36480 McCulloch Heather Global Communication Coordinator [email]
831 32458 McDonald Christine Placements and Internships Support Officer [email]
831 37358 McDonald Glenn Associate Professor [email]
0 8222 7354 McDowall Katrina Secretary [email]
831 37947 McEwin Rudi Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 33260 McGee Lucy Internal Grant Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 33433 McGee Padric Demonstrator - Computer Specialist [email]
none registered McGorm Kelly Senior Clinical Research Coordinator [email]
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