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Want to work more efficiently? Record your “stuff” properly and regularly
We sometimes think of recordkeeping as an administrative task that is an addition to the core functions of our roles. You probably never think of it as a way to increase your efficiency….
[Read more about Want to work more efficiently? Record your “stuff” properly and regularly]
Keeping data secure - and what to do if there is a breach
Changes to privacy laws mean the University now has mandatory notification obligations that may apply in the event of loss or unauthorised disclosure of personal information (data breaches).
[Read more about Keeping data secure - and what to do if there is a breach]
Contract management - what happens after the contract is signed?
After a contract or agreement is signed, there will always be some form of action that needs to be taken to fulfil the contract.
[Read more about Contract management - what happens after the contract is signed?]
European Union – do your activities involve EU residents?
If your activities involve the collection or processing of information about any residents of the European Union, please email the Legal and Risk Branch before 1 May 2018. New data protection regulations commence on 25 May 2018 and will impact on how you must collect and manage that data. The Legal and Risk Branch can help you assess the scope and nature of the activity and any compliance response needed.
[Read more about European Union – do your activities involve EU residents?]
More healthy competition in new laws
Recent amendments to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) update the rules that apply to the University's commercial activities with competitors, suppliers, retailers and consumers.
HELP! Changes to the student loan scheme – Proposal 2.0
The Commonwealth Government has introduced a new Bill seeking to change features of the student loan scheme – HELP (Higher Education Loan Program).
[Read more about HELP! Changes to the student loan scheme – Proposal 2.0]
To notify or not to notify?
We all try our best to avoid mishaps, but even then things can go wrong despite our best efforts. Notifying adverse events as they occur is key when it comes managing insurance.
Revamp of Child Protection Screening is clearer and closer
New statutory working with children screening arrangements just got a little clearer and closer.
[Read more about Revamp of Child Protection Screening is clearer and closer]
Setting the standard for international students
From 1 January 2018, a revised National Code under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 will come into effect. The code sets standards that govern the provision of education to international students holding a student visa by Australian registered providers.
[Read more about Setting the standard for international students]
Amendments to the University of Adelaide Act
The Statutes Amendment (Universities) Act 2016 (SA) was recently passed by South Australian Parliament and comes into effect today.
[Read more about Amendments to the University of Adelaide Act]