Pre-Submission Review (PSR)
The pre-submission review is the final progress milestone you will complete prior to submission of your thesis for examination.
The purpose of the PSR is to ensure that your thesis is on track for timely submission within the target timeframe, namely 3.5 FTE (or maximum of 4 years FTE for a PhD) and a maximum of 2 years FTE for a Master by Research. In preparation for your PSR meeting, you will complete the PSR form together with a Thesis Completion Plan which includes a chapter outline and indicative completion timeframes for each thesis component.
At the Pre-Submission Review Panel meeting, you will lead a discussion of your progress towards thesis completion and outline your plans for the completion of the remaining tasks. Through the course of discussion, you, together with the PSR panel, will consider contingency measures, where tasks are unable to be achieved by the target completion timeframe.
Pre-Submission Review due date
The due date for the PSR depends on your start date in candidature. Please consult your milestone records in MyAdelaide and your Postgraduate Coordinator to confirm.
The PSR is due at 36 months FTE for PhDs and 21 months FTE for Master by Research candidates who commenced after 1/7/22.
The PSR is due at 33 months FTE for PhDs and 21 months FTE for Master by Research candidates who commenced prior to 1/7/22 in the following Schools only:
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology School of Education School of Agriculture, Food and Wine Elder Conservatorium of Music School of Animal & Veterinary Science School of Humanities School of Biological Sciences School of Social Sciences School of Physical Science -
PSR forms and thesis completion plan
Please download and complete the following documents and provide them to your supervisory panel, PGC and discipline expert (if applicable), at least one week prior to the agreed panel review meeting date.
Why is the PSR now required for all students?
HDR milestones provide essential checkpoints to ensure HDRs are progressing well in their studies. Milestones apply to candidates across all Schools and Disciplines at the University, however, historically there have been local variations in how these are undertaken and assessed, leading to a variable experience for students.
To ensure clear expectations and improve the HDR experience going forward, a collaborative working group comprising the Dean of Graduate Studies, senior academic representatives from each Faculty and the AGRS was convened during 2023 with a view to standardising the HDR experience and maximising the value of milestones across the University.
The working group recognised that additional streamlining across the University was required when supporting the candidates’ final stages of candidature, so as to support a timely completion (during scholarship timeframe where relevant). To achieve this goal, a pre-submission review has been implemented across the University for all students who commenced from 1/7/22. The PSR was previously completed in two of five Faculties.
How can I check the due date of my PSR?
You can log into MyAdelaide and view the details of all your upcoming milestones and their due dates under the Research Candidature menu item.
I have completed a research internship, can my PSR be extended?
Yes; if you are completing a research internship, the PSR due date may be extended by the length of your internship (generally 3 months).
Do I have to complete a PSR if I am on leave of absence?
No; the due date for your PSR will be extended by any approved leave of absence. You will need to complete it on your return to candidature.
I am not able to complete my PSR by the due date; what should I do?
If you have completed a research internship, or wish to extend the PSR due date for reasons beyond your control, you should request that your principal supervisor email the Adelaide Graduate Research School to request an extension on your behalf. The reasons for the extension and the length of the extension (a maximum of one month or equivalent to the length of the research internship) must be specified.
If I completed a PSR this year, will I need to do an Annual Review if I haven’t submitted by 31 October next year?
No, however, if you have not submitted within 12 months of your initial PSR due date, you will need to complete a second PSR.
What if my PSR is due close to the Annual Review of Progress?
The AGRS will adjust your milestones to ensure that there is a minimum of six months between the due date for your final annual review of progress and your pre-submission review. This means that a PSR will be completed instead of the annual review of progress if these milestones would otherwise be less than 6 months apart (this is a shift from the 3-month timeframe which applies in 2023).
If you have any concerns about the relative timing of your annual review and PSR, please do not hesitate to contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School.
Who will be on the PSR panel?
The PSR will be conducted by a panel comprising your supervisors and the Postgraduate Coordinator. A discipline expert outside the research group is recommended but not compulsory.
Am I required to give a presentation as part of the PSR?
As part of the panel meeting, you will be asked to lead a discussion of your progress towards completion of the thesis and the remaining tasks and timeframes. A presentation outside of the panel is not compulsory. However, as the University moves towards the inclusion of oral examinations, a presentation to the Discipline/School a few weeks prior to submission is encouraged.